Monday, January 16, 2012

Colour of Bits

Bits may not have colour in a computer, but I think it does matter once those bits are used for something outside the computer. People like to be given credit for something that they come up with, and people need to know where someone got their ideas and arguements. I had not heard of monolith before I read this article, and the idea that you can get around copyright laws by scrambling the copyrighted material and then unscrambling it just doesn't make any sense. I think it is just a way to avoid royalties and giving someone credit for what they did.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that the bits are just as important as where the bits came from? I don't now if that makes much sense, but basically is there any contrivorsy in the actual bits, not just where their colour? Like in the example of the child pornography, does the problem lie in where the bits came from, or the bits themselves?
